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Learning the alphabet, sight words and reading should be fun! Alphabet stamps are a great way to make learning hands on! Just grab a set of lowercase alphabet stamps and uppercase alphabet stamps and get started! This post will show you 5 different Word Work Stamping Activities that can be completed at home or in the classroom! These activities are ideal for preschoolers, Kindergarteners or even first grade students!
For these activities you will need some stamp pads. Each of these activities can be recreated or you can save yourself a ton of time by printing the pages in my Word Work Stamp It Pack!

Stamp the Alphabet
Stamp the alphabet in order using either lowercase or uppercase alphabet stamps! Encourage little ones to say the name (and sound if possible) or each letter as they stamp it!

Uppercase and lowercase letter versions are included inside of my Word Work Stamp It Pack!
Stamp the CVC Word
CVC simply stands for Consonant Vowel Consonant. These are the simple three letter words that little ones learn to read first. They are words like: cat, dog, map, hot, etc. CVC words can be read when little ones can blend the three sounds in the word together. In a CVC word, each letter makes it’s sound.
For this activity, students will stamp and spell the CVC word that goes with each picture! You could even give students two different stamp pad colors and encourage them to stamp the consonants and vowels in different colors.

If you are teaching CVC words be sure to check out these posts:
CVC Word Egg Hunt
CVC Words with Technology
Stamp the Missing Letter
Have students stamp missing letters to make words! You can leave off beginning letters, ending letters, medial vowels, blends and digraphs!

Stamp the Letter
Focused on one letter of the alphabet? Focus on stamping just that letter! Inside of my Word Work Stamp It Pack you will find pages just like this for every letter of the alphabet!

Stamp the Beginning Sound
For this activity students will stamp the beginning letter sound for different pictures!

Looking for more Word Work Stamping activities? Be sure to check out my Word Work Stamp It Pack! Inside you will find 50 pages of stamping fun for your little ones!