Are you looking for the best winter preschool activities to keep your class or little ones learning this winter? This post is a round-up of my very favorite preschool winter centers for Pre-K students.

Winter Preschool Sensory Play
Sensory play is so important and one of my favorite things to do with little ones. I love setting up simple sensory bins. Sensory bins are just a fancy name for a bin of stuff that kids (or anyone) can touch, taste, smell, see and/or hear. If you are new to sensory bins, be sure to read this post: Getting Started with Sensory Bins. It will walk you through what a sensory bin is and how to set one up in your classroom or at home.

Snow is a great thing to include in your winter sensory bins! If you live in an area where snow is hard to come by, you can make your own fake snow pretty easily. Here is my favorite recipe to use for making your own pretend snow:
How to Make Snow
2 ½ cups baking soda (This jumbo bag is the way to go!)
½ cup of any white hair conditioner (I go with whatever is cheapest!)
Mix the baking soda and white hair conditioner until a snow consistency forms. You can also add in scoopers and plastic animals for more fun!

This snow can last for at least a few days in a large plastic storage bin with the lid. If you are looking for other ideas for winter sensory bins, check out this post: 30 Winter Sensory Bin Ideas.
Hot Chocolate Play Dough
I also love making playdough for sensory play too! This hot chocolate play dough is easy to make and the delicious smell adds a fun sensory experience. It can also be paired with supplies like cups, spoons, and straws for a fun dramatic play experience.

You can also add play dough mats to help little ones get creative! This play dough mat is available inside, Snowman Centers for Preschool. It’s fun to print, laminate, and pair with craft supplies like pipe cleaners and plastic buttons too!
Winter Preschool Centers
Preschoolers are focused on learning skills like colors, numbers, letters, and more! Here are a few wonderful winter preschool activities that can be added to centers in your classroom or used at home!
Snowman Number Writing
Make learning numbers fun with this Snowman Number Book! Students will trace, write, and represent numbers 1-10 in a ten frame using this fun and printable book! This is a great activity to review numbers after the holiday break!
Black and white and color printable book options are included in the download.

Snowman Shape Sorting
Shapes Included:
- Circle
- Square
- Triangle
- Rectangle
- Oval
- Diamond
- Star
- Heart
- Trapezoid
- Pentagon
- Hexagon
- Octagon
You can check out this shape activity and others in this product, Snowman Shape Activities.
Melted Snowman Play Dough Mats
These shape play dough mats are so fun for preschool students to make shape learning hands on! Students will be engaged and excited to learn 2-D shapes with these fun printable mats.

Snowman Button Sorting
Have plastic shape buttons laying around your classroom? Pair them with these fun winter snowman sorting mats!

Snowman Color Matching
In this winter activity, students will match a snowman’s accessories to each color word. I highly recommend adding velcro to this station. This huge pack of velcro dots will last you the entire school year!
Snowman Number Building
Your students will love building these number snowmen and learning to recognize numerals and numbers in the tens frame at the same time. Students will build snowmen by matching a numeral to a ten frame. Best of all, this center has nice straight lines so you can prep it in no time! Preschool students who are ready for a challenge could put these cards in number order too!

Snowman Visual Discrimination Clip Cards
These Snowman Visual Discrimination Clip Cards are a great way to introduce letters and numbers to students in a non-intimidating way! Students will look at each letter or number and simply find the one that matches and clip a clothespin next to it. Using wooden clothespins is another way to build fine motor skills! You can learn more about visual discrimination in this post, Why You Should Be Teaching Visual Discrimination.

Letter Recognition Snowballs
This winter preschool center also builds on those visual discrimination skills are is great for students who are ready to start looking at letters! Students will find the letter snowballs and color the matching letter on their response sheet. Centers are included for uppercase and lowercase letters. I love If you have students who are ready to learn a few simple sight words check out this activity, Sight Word Snowballs.

Winter Line Tracing
Line tracing is a great pre-writing skill. It lets students practice tracing lines and learning letter strokes in a fun way. I recommend printing these cards and laminating them. Students can then practice line tracing with a dry erase marker.

Fine Motor Sticker Snowflake
I ordered this giant pack of colorful dot stickers and they really are the gift that keeps on giving. They are constantly coming in handy for all sorts of activities! Here is a really simple one! You can draw a snowflake on a piece of paper or print out this one inside of Snowman Centers for Preschool. Students will peel and put circle stickers on the outline of the snowflake.

Winter Writing Ideas
Class books are one of my favorite ways to practice writing and drawing with preschool students. This set of Winter Class Books is the perfect writing activity for winter.

If you love creating class books with your class, check out this post full of ideas: Class Books to Make in Kindergarten.

More Winter Activities for Kids:
January Toddler Activities
Snowman Math Center
Sight Word Snowballs
I hope this post gave you a few ideas for winter preschool activities for your classroom or little ones at home!