Are you wondering how to prepare for a frozen embryo transfer? This post has you covered, my friend!
So your frozen embryo transfer (FET) is finally on the calendar and now you are wondering how to prepare and what you should bring with you for the big day! This post will walk you through exactly what to bring to a frozen embryo transfer!
Just to be totally clear, I am not a doctor and this post is not intended to serve as any type of medical advice. I’m just a mom who has been through multiple frozen embryo transfers and I just want to share some things that were helpful for me!
If you have been through IVF and egg retrieval, a frozen embryo transfer will seem like a piece of cake! Here is what you need to take with you:
What to Pack in Your Bag for a Frozen Embryo Transfer
So maybe it’s because I am a teacher, but packing a bag for the big day helped me feel prepared! Here are the items I packed for the day of my Frozen Embryo Transfer:
Comfy pants with an elastic waist.
Chances are you are probably already a little bloated, bruised, and beat up from all of the medicine; so you definitely want to have some comfy pants to wear! Anything with an elastic waist is a win! Aerie makes the best comfy pants around!
Any medicine that you might need to take.
I was crazy on time about taking my medicines each day and lived by the timers on my phone. I took my estrogen pills daily at 8 am, 2 pm, and 8 pm. Be sure to pack any medicine that you might need while you are there! I swear by using an organizer like this!
Something to keep you occupied.
Just like with any medical procedure, things can happen and cause a delay in start time. Chances are you aren’t your doctor’s only patient that day. You will naturally be really anxious waiting for your FET and probably have a full bladder too! Bring a book to read or something to do just in case you end up with extra waiting time!
Fun Socks
Your clinic will provide these for you, but if you just want to be extra…bring your own! There are some really cute socks especially for this day (like these) or you can even find some that can be customized!
A ponytail holder
I frequently had little periods of hot flashes while being on progesterone and estrogen. Throw a ponytail holder in your bag because you just never know when you might want to put your hair up! These are my favorite! You will also be required to wear a hair net, so having your hair up might make that easier too.
A bag for your belongings
When you are taken to the OR, all of your belonging will be left in the room. It’s helpful to have everything in one spot; so for sure bring some sort of bag! My husband kept his wallet in his pocket and I left my purse and valuables at home so I didn’t have to worry about that!
A sturdy envelope
You will be given a picture of your precious embryo that will promptly be displayed on your refrigerator as soon as you arrive home! You definitely don’t want this precious picture to be bent, scratched, or accidentally spilled on! Put an envelope into your bag so you have a safe place to protect that priceless picture!

A camera or phone to take pictures.
This is a really big day for you and your family! Be sure to take some pictures and document the entire experience.

Write a prayer for your Frozen Embryo Transfer.
I wanted to have a special prayer to say before the frozen embryo transfer. After the FET, comes the dreaded two-week wait! This prayer helped me get through that too! I I just made it cute on the computer with clip art and printed it out. It’s a special keepsake for the baby book too!

Plan for Rest
Your doctor will tell you what to do after the FET and what activities should be avoided and for how long. However, I think it’s important to set yourself up for rest. Try to be caught up on housework and chores before the FET. Ask for help with pets or any other children that you may have.
This is definitely a time to be easy on yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. Your body is working so hard already.
Don’t forget to get lots of rest after the transfer and think happy thoughts! Best of luck to you friend! I hope this list helped you know how to prepare for a frozen embryo transfer and what to bring to your big day!