Parenting toddlers is no joke! Suddenly you have to figure out how to handle things like tantrums, setting boundaries, throwing food, screaming and so many more super fun behaviors!
My first instinct when entering new territory is to learn everything I possibly can about the subject usually by reading books or listening to podcasts! This post is dedicated to the best parenting books for toddlers, but many of these books are applicable and appropriate for beyond the toddler years too.

Parenting Books for Toddlers

The Whole-Brain Child: This book was highly recommended by a few friends that I really trust, so I actually ordered it and started reading it when I was pregnant! You can never be too prepared, right? This should be a must-read for every parent and teacher! I loved learning more about the brain and just how we can help children process different feelings, emotions and experiences. This book focuses on twelve key strategies that foster healthy brain development. It is a must-read! There is also a workbook to go with the book!
No Drama Discipline: The tagline of this book is: the whole-brain way to calm the chaos and nurture your child’s developing mind! I loved The Whole-Brain Child so much that I had to read this book too! I love the real-life examples that fill this book!
The Power of Showing Up: How Parental Presence Shapes Who Our Kids Become and How Their Brains Get Wired: This is the newest book from Dr. Daniel Siegel and Dr. Tina Payne Bryson. It’s easy to read and really helps you remember that you don’t (and can’t) need to be a perfect parent.
How to Talk So Little Kids Will Listen: This book has been around for many years, but continues to be updated and relevant! It has tons of great strategies to add to your parenting toolbox. It really focuses on acknowledging child’s feelings which are very important.
No Bad Kids: This book is a favorite from Janet Lansbury. It’s a collection of articles and really easy to just open a chapter and read. It covers things like biting, hitting, kicking, whining, and all of your favorite toddler behaviors!
I had never heard of Janet Lansbury until I came across her podcast called Unruffled. It is definitely worth listening to! She is an advocate of RIE Parenting which is focuses on respect and connection.

Brain Rules for Baby: How to Raise a Smart and Happy Child from Zero to Five: This is a great book written by John Medina. He talks about lots of interesting topics for parents today like television, praise, academic performance, and temper tantrums. This book is focused on the first years of your child’s life, including pregnancy!
The Montessori Toddler: I think the Montessori method is something that most parents have been curious about at one time or another. This book covers how to turn your home into a Montessori home and how to use these methods to be a more mindful and attentive parent.
Also, if you are interested in learning more about Montessori be sure to check out this post where i interviewed Shannon Teguh, a montessori expert! If you are interested in Montessori toys, LOVEVERY simply can’t be beat. You can read a full review of their play kit here too!

On another quick note, it’s really hard to find time to read when you are the parent of a toddler! I have just started using Audible and I really love it! I am able to read so many more books in a short amount of time! You can try it and read for your book for free!
Have you read any other great parenting books for toddlers? I would love to hear from you!