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It was the happiest Halloween! I spent A LOT of time thinking about what my girl would be for her first Halloween. I wanted to make life hard on myself and come up with something that I could make and that would be original, which is harder than you would think these days. Then it finally came to me! BULLSEYE! For weeks I wouldn’t tell anyone what she was going to be because I didn’t want anyone else to take my idea, LOL. There were NO Bullseye Target Dog Costumes on Pinterest, so you are seeing it here first! Now that I did it, I’ll share with you how to do it too:

Just grab a white hat to fit your child. This hat was great for a tiny head. Then use felt in red, black and white to make the nose and eyes. You could use white felt for the ears, but I actually used this so they would stick up better. For the body, this outfit was perfect, but you could also just use white pants and a white shirt!

Making the stroller into a Target cart was the hardest part. I used a cardboard box as the base and red poster board to make the sides and front. I cut the Target circles out of white paper and used this to punch out cart holes. We attached it to the stroller (BTW I LOVE our stroller!) with these!

My husband and I wore red shirts and I made little Target name tags to wear! For a trick or treat sack…a Target bag! We got TONS of compliments and it was super easy, inexpensive and fun! Happy Halloween!