Looking for summer word lists for each letter of the alphabet? This post lists summer words for almost every letter of the alphabet! Each word list is organized in alphabetical order and can be used in so many different ways!
Summer is a wonderful time of year when families can enjoy longer days together, summer holidays, and no school! This list of summer words is intended to inspire some creativity, writing ideas, and more! At the end of the post, you’ll find some ideas for using these summer season words!

Summer Words that Start with A
- Activities
- Adventure
- Afternoon
- Air conditioning
- Alligator
- Aloe vera
- America
- American Flag
- Amusement park
- Anchor
- Ants
- Apple
- Apricot
- Aqua
- Aquatic
- Art
- Art Festival
- Athletic
- Attire
- August
- August
- Aviators
- Avocado
Summer Words that Start with B
- Backpacking
- Backyard
- Balmy
- Bandana
- Barbecue
- Bare feet
- Barefoot
- Baseball
- Bath
- Bathing suit
- Beach
- Beach ball
- Beach towel
- Bicycle
- Big
- Big splash
- Bike ride
- Bikini
- Blackberry
- Blistering
- Block party
- Blue
- Blueberries
- Blue sky
- Boardwalk
- Boat
- Boat shoes
- Bonfire
- Boogie board
- Bouquet
- Break
- Breeze
- Bright
- Bugs
- Bungalow
- Butterfly
Summer Words that Start with C
- Cabana
- Cactus
- Camera
- Camping
- Camp out
- Cannonball
- Canoe
- Canoeing
- Captain
- Caribbean
- Carnival
- Castle
- Catching rays
- Celebrate
- Cheer
- Cherry
- Chill
- Citrus
- Club
- Clubhouse
- Clubhouse
- Coast
- Cocktails
- Coconut
- Concert
- Conch shell
- Cookout
- Cooler
- Coral
- Corn
- Cornhole
- Corn on the cob
- Cotton candy
- Country Club
- Cowboy boots
- Crab
- Cricket
- Croquet
- Cruise
- Cucumber
- Cycling
- Cyclone
Related Post: Show and Tell Ideas for Every Letter of the Alphabet
Summer Words that Start with D
- Dairy Queen
- Daisy
- Dance
- Dandelion
- Daylight
- Day trip
- Deck
- Denim shorts
- Desert
- Desolate
- Destination
- Dew
- Dinner
- Dinner party
- Dive
- Dive
- Diving board
- Dock
- Dog days
- Dolphin
- Donut
- Downpour
- Dragonfly
- Dream
- Dreamy
- Driftwood
- Drink
- Drive-in
- Drought
- Dune
- Dusk
Summer Words That Start with E
- Early sunrise
- Easy living
- Easy
- Eat
- Eco-friendly
- Edible
- Education
- Electric
- Elevation
- Emerald
- Empowerment
- Endless summer
- Endless sunshine
- Energetic
- Enjoy
- Enjoyment
- Entertainment
- Enthusiastic
- Ephemeral
- Equator
- Escape
- Evening breeze
- Evergreen
- Excitement
- Exciting
- Exercise
- Exhilarating
- Exotic
- Experience
- Explore
Summer Words that Start with F
- Fair
- Family
- Fan
- Farmer’s market
- Fauna
- Festival
- Field
- Fire
- Fire pit
- Fireworks
- First day
- Fish
- Fishing
- Flamingo
- Flip-flops
- Float
- Flock
- Flora
- Folly
- Freedom
- Fresh
- Fresh fruit
- Friends
- Frisbee
- Fruit
- Fun
Summer Words that Start with G
- Games
- Garage
- Garden
- Garden hose
- Gazebo
- Generous
- Geraniums
- Getaway
- Glamping
- Glistening
- Glowing
- Go
- Goggles
- Golden
- Golf
- Golf
- Graduation
- Grand
- Grapefruit
- Great outdoors
- Green
- Greenery
- Green Grass
- Grill
- Groove
- Group
- Grow
- Guitar
- Gulf
- Gusto
- Gusty
- Gymnastics
Summer Words that Start with H
- Hamburger
- Hammock
- Happy hour
- Harbor
- Hat
- Hat
- Hawaii
- Heat
- heat wave
- Helicopter
- Hibiscus
- High tide
- Hike
- Holiday
- Honeydew
- Horizon
- Hot
- Hot dogs
- Hotel
- hot fun
- hot summer day
- Hula
- Humidity
- Hurricane
- Hydrate
Summer Words that Start with I
- Ice-cold drinks
- Ice Cream
- Ice Cream Cone
- Ice cream truck
- Ice cubes
- Iced coffee
- Iced tea
- Iced tea
- Ice hockey
- Ice pops
- Ice-skating rink
- Iguana
- Incline
- Independence Day
- Indoor activities
- Inflatable boat
- Inflatable pool
- Infrared
- Inner tube
- Inning
- Insects
- Inshore fishing
- International travel
- Island
- Italian ice
- Ivy
Related Post: Ice Cream Emergent Reader
Summer Words that Start with J
- Jams
- Jellyfish
- Jet
- Jet ski
- Jetty
- Joy
- Joyful laughter
- Joy ride
- Juice
- July
- Jumbo popsicle
- Jumping into the pool
- Jump rope
- June
- Jungle gym
Summer Words that Start with K
- Kabobs
- Karaoke
- Kayak
- Kernel corn
- Key lime pie
- Khaki
- Kiddie pool
- Kite
- Kiwi
- Koozie
Summer Words that Start with L
- Labor Day
- Ladybug
- Lake
- Laughter
- Lawn
- Lawn chair
- Lawn games
- Lawnmower
- Lazy days
- Lazy river
- Lei Lounge chair
- Lemon
- Lemonade
- Lemon bar
- Lemon ice
- Lemon meringue pie
- Lemon wedge
- Lifeguard
- Life jacket
- Life vests
- Light
- Lighthouse
- Lightning bugs
- Lobster
- Long days
- Lounge
- Luau
Summer Words that Start with M
- Mango
- Marina
- Marshmallow
- Meadow
- Melon
- Melt
- Memorial Day
- Memories
- Mermaid
- Miniature Golf
- Mist
- Moist
- Moon
- Moonlight
- Mosquito
- Mountain
- Mud
- Music
Summer Words that Start with N
- National parks
- Nature
- Nest
- Night
- Nighttime
- Noon
- No school
Summer Words that Start with O
- Oar
- Oasis
- Ocean
- open windows
- Orange
- Outdoor
- Outing
Summer Words that Start with P
- Palm trees
- Paper plates
- Park
- Path
- Patio
- Peaches
- Picnic
- Pineapple
- Play
- Playing outside
- Pool
- Popsicle
Summer Words that Start with Q
- Quench
- Quiet
- Quirky
Summer Words that Start with R
- Raft
- Rain
- Rainbow
- Rash
- Rays
- Recreation
- Reef
- Relax
- Resort
- Rest
- Road trip
- Roast
- Running
Summer Words that Start with S
- S’mores
- Sailboat
- Sailing
- Sand
- Sandals
- Sandcastle
- Scoops of ice cream
- Sea breeze
- Seafood
- Seashells
- Season
- Shade
- Shaved ice
- Shine
- Shooting star
- Shorts
- Sightseeing
- Skydiving
- Sleep
- Sleeping bag
- Slip n’ slide
- Smile
- Smoothie
- Snorkeling
- Snowcone
- Soccer
- Softball
- Sparklers
- Sports
- Sprinkler
- Steak
- Storm
- Strawberries
- Summer
- Summer school
- summer solstice
- Summer vacation
- Sun
- Sunbathing
- Sunflower
- Sunglasses
- Sunscreen
- Sunshine
- Surfing
- Sweet tea
- Swimming
- Swimming pool
- Swimsuit
Summer Words that Start with T
- Tall grass
- Tan
- Tangerine
- tank top
- Tan lines
- Tanning oil
- Temperature
- Tennis
- Terrace
- Thirst-quenching
- Thunderstorm
- Tides
- Tiki
- Tourist
- Towel
- Trail
- Travel
- Tropical
- Tropical fruits
- Tube
Summer Words that Start with U
- Umbrella
- Underwater
- Unwind
- UV Rays
Summer Words that Start with V
- Vacation
- vegetable garden
- Very hot
- Visit
Summer Words that Start with W
- Warm
- Warmer weather
- Water
- Watermelon
- Waterpark
- Weeds
- Worm
Summer Words that Start with Y
- Yacht
- Yard
- Yard Games
- Yellow
Summer Words that Start with Z
- Zoo
- Zucchini
How to use the list of words?
These summer words have various uses including word games, word puzzles, word scramble games, writing activities, poetry, and more! Here are a few ideas to get you started:
Acrostic Poem
An acrostic poem is a type of poetry where the first letter of each line spells out a word or phrase vertically, usually the title or subject of the poem. This type of poetry is often used in classrooms to teach students about creative writing, as it provides a simple and structured format for expressing thoughts and ideas.
Acrostic poems can be written about anything, and the words or phrases formed by the first letters of each line can add another layer of meaning or symbolism to the poem. They can be short and sweet or longer and more complex, depending on the writer’s preferences. Overall, acrostic poems are fun and simple to create. Here is an example of a summer acoustic poem:

As the last day of school approaches, most students have summer on their minds! Use these words to create a fun dictionary game for your students! Simply write each word on an index card, then students will take turns choosing a card and drawing a picture to match! The other students will try and guess what summer word they are drawing!
Bucket List
The summer months can pass really quickly! Encourage students to create a bucket list for their summer vacation and create a list of activities that they want to do in the summer time! Here are a few ideas:
- Visit the farmer’s market and purchase fresh produce.
- Go to the swimming pool with friends.
- Use the lawn mower and help Dad cut the grass.
- Make iced tea in the sunshine.
Word Games
This list of summer words can be used in many different word or vocabulary games! Try creating a word search using some of these letter words. Choose a letter and about 10 words from that list to put in a word search. You could also create a word scramble and choose a few words to scramble up. Your students will have a great time trying to unscramble different words from the summer season.
I hope this summer word list will encourage you to get outside, enjoy the warm weather and make the most of your summer months!