Sorting and classifying objects is a foundational math skill. By age two, little ones start learning how to sort and match items that are the same. Sorting activities are great for children of all ages and can be altered to meet your child’s developmental and educational needs. In Kindergarten most children will be able to sort my type, color, shape and size! Here are a few ideas for sorting activities for preschool children!

- Have your child help with laundry and sort out the different items or even match sock pairs!
- Sort cereal or a trail mix.
- Sort letters and numbers by cutting them out of magazines!
- Sort coins.
- Sort silverware.
- Encourage your child to sort objects as they clean up. Create spaces where they can sort all of their toys like putting all of the books in one bucket and balls in another.
What items are best for sorting?
Sorting can be done with pretty much any items that you have around the house! Here are a few items that can be easily sorted.
- Mini Erasers (Hello, Target Dollar Spot!)
- Snack items (like a cereal)
- Pom Pom Balls
- Toys (blocks, balls, marbles)
- Stuffed animals
- Plastic animals
- Art supplies
Related Post: Free Preschool Printable Activities
Sorting Mats
It can be helpful to your little one if they can see clearly defined areas for sorting. Sorting mats are great for this purpose! These printable sorting mats can be used for sorting by type, size, shape or color. Blanks mats are also included for sorting by your own rules! Muffin tins are also great for sorting!

Sorting and Graphing
Sorting and graphing go hand in hand. Little ones need to sort and organize the objects before they can graph them! Here are a few free graphing activities that also involve sorting!

Gummy Bear Graphing
Vowel Letter Graph
Easter Egg Graph
The options for sorting activities for preschool children are endless! Happy sorting!

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