Did you know National School Librarian Day is celebrated on April 4? School librarians play such an important role in the community! Let’s show them how much they are loved and appreciated for School Librarian Day! Here are a few ideas for celebrating this special person:

How to Celebrate Your School Librarian
Here are a few ways to make your school librarian feel extra special this week!
Make a special book.
Your class will love making a special book for the librarian! Just print the cover and a letter page for each student. Students will each write a little letter and draw a picture for the book and let your librarian know what makes them so special.
Three different writing options are included for you to choose from depending on the needs of your students!
Then, just put all of the letters together in a folder or binder to make a little book! He or she will absolutely love this personalized gift! Everything you need is included in, National School Librarian Day Activities.

This would also be an amazing thing for you to put together if you are a classroom mom or school volunteer too!
More Ideas for National School Librarian Day
Decorate a bulletin board or door.

A decorated bulletin board or door makes everyone feel special! Include your students in decorating the librarian’s door! This printable bulletin board set is included inside, National School Librarian Day Activities and it will definitely make them smile!

Students can also make a book craft to help with the board too! This craft goes perfectly with the theme, “Our School Librarian Brings Books to Life.”
Two different book craft versions are included to best meet the needs of your students. Younger students can simply color and cut the book craft out. Older students can create can creative with their book craft and personalize the face!

Make an announcement.
Does your school have morning announcements or weekly assemblies? Write something special about your librarian that can be shared with all of the students. Be sure to recognize how he or she contributes to your school and helps students have access to books and other resources!
Share your librarian on social media.
If your campus has a Facebook Page, Instagram account, or even just a website, this is a great place to feature your librarian! Post their picture, some fun facts about him or her, and maybe even a small description of some of the things they can help with! This can be a great way to make sure parents know all of the things the library has to offer!
Purchase a book for your librarian’s library.
This may be obvious, but librarians LOVE books! Purchase a book for your campus in honor of the librarian. Or even consider making a donation to your school’s library so the librarian can purchase more materials.
Your school district may have special ways of handling book donations or books given in honor of employees so definitely look into this! Information can usually be found online on the district’s website.
When is National School Librarian Day?
National School Librarian Day is celebrated each year on April 4. This is a day to show appreciation to school librarians and recognize the contributions they make to the students they serve.
Some campuses may also choose to honor their librarians during Teacher Appreciation Week or on National Librarian Day or even during Library Week.
When is Library Week?
National Library Week will be celebrated April 23-29, 2023. The theme this year is “There’s More to the Story.” The American Library Assocation has resources available for celebrating this special week.
Appreciation Days for School Helpers
As you know, there are SO many incredible helpers in the school community including custodians, office staff, counselors, nurses and many more! Here are a few of the other resources available for appreciating other helpers:

5 Ways to Honor School Nurses on National School Nurses Day

Ideas for Celebrating the School Counselor for National School Counseling Week
I hope this post gave you some easy ideas for showing appreciation to the special people in your school. Enjoy celebrating your special school librarian for National School Librarian Day!