Mother’s Day is such a sweet and special holiday! I wanted to put together a few Mother’s Day activities to help you and your students celebrate all of the amazing mothers out there! These activities are simple, heartfelt, and easy to quickly print and complete!

Also, please note that all of the activities shown below are also included with alternate wording to celebrate any special lady!
Celebrating Mother’s Day in the Classroom
Different schools celebrate moms in different ways throughout the school year. Oftentimes, schools will have a breakfast near Mother’s Day for students to enjoy a meal at school with the special women in their lives.
These crafts and activities can be used to give to moms at a special event or sent home for students to give on Mother’s Day.
Mother’s Day Craft
What do moms and cupcakes have in common? They are both so sweet!

Students will love creating this large cupcake craft for Mother’s Day! It can be glued on a piece of paper to create a card or to decorate an envelope.
An envelope can be created by folding a large piece of construction paper in half and stapling or gluing the sides together. This envelope is perfect for holding all of the sweet surprises for mom.
You can also add a piece of tissue paper inside to create a little gift!
All About My Mom Printable
“All About” pages are the sweetest! It’s so funny and precious to see what little ones think and say about their moms. These are fun to do every year!

Simply ask your students the questions and write their answers in the blank. Inside this resource, Mother’s Day Craft and Activities, you will find a printable All About Mom page, plus ones that can be personalized for a grandma, aunt, or any other special adult!

A Portrait of Mom
Little ones will love drawing a portrait of their mom as a Mother’s Day surprise. Students will draw a simple picture of their mom in an oval shape.

Next, cut it out and glue it in the middle of a piece of colored paper. Add a little message at the bottom and it’s ready for mom! This makes the portrait feel extra fancy and special!

A Letter to Mom
Nothing takes the place of a sweet handwritten note or card!
This Mother’s Day Crafts and Activities resource has a printable letter for students to write a sweet message to their mom. Different letter templates are included to meet the needs of your students.

Related Post: Printable Father’s Day Flip Book
I hope these Mother’s Day Crafts and Activities will help your students celebrate all of the special moms out there!