If you are planning your school year, you definitely need to check out all of these preschool theme ideas! Let’s start by talking about preschool themes.

What is a theme in preschool?
Themes are a way for preschool teachers to organize and plan learning for their students. A theme is a concept that students will focus on and experience across subjects. Themes are usually chosen based on the time of year and experience that students may be having in their world. For example, pumpkins may be a theme during the month of October.
What are good preschool themes?
The best preschool themes are those that preschoolers are interested in and can relate to! Children are very concrete, so it’s best to choose concrete themes that will allow hands-on and real-life learning experiences. Themes make it easy for teachers to integrate content across various subject areas.
Why are themes good for preschoolers?
Themes are good for preschool students because they help them make connections and experience real-world connections across subject areas. Themes also make learning fun and engaging for preschoolers!
How often should preschool themes be changed?
You always want to keep your students excited and engaged with learning, so themes should be changed when students begin to lose interest. The most popular options are changing themes monthly, every two weeks, or weekly.
Tips for Planning Preschool Themes
Start by looking at a calendar of the school year and plan based on the time you have with your students.
Pay attention to holidays and the culture of your school and community. Does your town have a huge county fair with farm animals? It might make sense to plan your farm unit around that time since many students will have the experience to tie their learning to.
Allow for flexibility. You never know what themes your students will absolutely love and might need a few extra teaching days. Definitely make a plan, but understand that it could change!
Choose broad themes and think about developmentally appropriate activities that you can do with each theme.
I think it’s best to avoid using skills (like shapes and colors) as themes and instead incorporate those skills throughout the year.
Share your themes with parents! Usually, parents love to help out where they can and may even have some great resources available to help! For example, if your theme is airplanes maybe a parent is a flight attendant and could bring pretzels as a fun snack
An Example of a Preschool Theme
Here is an example of what a themed unit might look like in a preschool classroom! Let’s pretend the theme for the week is Pumpkins! Here might be some of the themed activities students enjoy across subject levels:
- Making pumpkin pie play dough
- Testing if pumpkins sink or float
- Reading pumpkin-themed books
- Singing songs about pumpkins (5 Little Pumpkins)
- Looking at different pumpkin types
- Planting a pumpkin plant and observing its growth
- Sorting pictures of different colored pumpkins
- Making a pumpkin craft

Preschool Themes
Anytime Preschool Themes
Some preschool themes can be enjoyed any time throughout the school year! Here are a few themes that can be planned at any time during the school year:
- Animals
- Balls
- Baking
- Birthdays
- Books
- Camping
- Construction
- Circus
- Community Helpers
- Dinosaurs
- Family
- Five Senses
- Fruits and Vegetables
- Nursery Rhymes
- My Body
- Music
- Pizza
- Pets
- Popcorn
- Post Office
- Rocks
- Space
- Teddy Bears
- Transportation or Things That Go
- Zoo
- Western Theme

Monthly Preschool Themes
Here is a list of popular preschool themes organized by month. Many of these preschool themes could fit under multiple months, so definitely read through all of them when you are planning your preschool school year!
January Preschool Themes
Here are some themes that preschools would enjoy during the month of January:
- New Years
- Bears
- Chinese New Year
- Winter: There are so many directions that this theme could take! Students could focus on winter as a season, winter animals, or even winter clothes! You can check out a ton of teaching ideas in this post, The Best Winter Preschool Activities.
- Hibernating Animals: Here are a few animals that hibernate in the winter that you could focus on: bears, bats, box turtles, bumblebees, and skunks!
- Hot Chocolate: This fun theme leads to lots of hands-on activities such as making hot chocolate! You could also try making hot chocolate play dough!
- Penguins
- Martin Luther King, Jr.: MLK Day is celebrated on the third Monday of January and many communities have events honoring Dr. King
- Snow, Snowmen or Snowflakes: This is

February Preschool Themes
Here are some themes that preschools would enjoy during the month of February:
- Groundhog’s Dog
- Hearts
- Black History
- Health and Nutrition
- Presidents
- Candy
- Dental Health and Teeth:
- Friendship
- Feelings
- Kindness
- Valentine’s Day: Check out this post, The Best Valentine’s Day Preschool Activities for some great ideas!

March Preschool Themes
Here are some themes that preschools would enjoy during the month of March:
- Spring: Seasons are always an important theme for preschool! Spring is a fune season to cel
- Easter: Easter falls in March or April of every year. You can check out some fun learning ideas in this post, The Best Easter Preschool Activities.
- Trees
- Birds
- St. Patrick’s Day
- Clouds

April Preschool Themes
Here are some themes that preschools would enjoy the month of April:
- Bugs and Insects: Bugs are a fun theme for preschoolers! There are so many different bugs to learn about like ladybugs, bees, and ants!
- Bunnies:
- Caterpillars and Butterflies
- Weather
- Picnic
- Ponds
- Mud
- Chicks: I absolutely love hatching chicks with my class each spring! It is probably the most memorable thing we do all year and it’s such an amazing learning experience for them. If you are thinking about hatching chicks with your class, be sure to check out this post, How to Hatch Chicks in the Classroom.
- Earth Day: Earth Day is on April 22!

May Preschool Themes
Here are some themes that preschools would enjoy during the month of May:
- Flowers
- Mother’s Day
- Oceans
- Worms
- Gardening
- Plants
- Farm
- Memorial Day
- Sunflowers
Related Post: 12 Best Preschool Graduation Ideas
June Preschool Themes
Here are some themes that preschools would enjoy during the month of June:
- Watermelon
- Ice Cream
- Summer
- Father’s Day
- Camping: Many families enjoy camping together during the summer months, so this can be a really fun and relevant preschool theme for students.
July Preschool Themes
Here are some themes that preschoolers would enjoy during the month of July:
- Fourth of July
- Water
- Swimming
- Olympics
August Preschool Themes
Here are some themes that preschool students would enjoy during the month of August:
- All About Me: The beginning of the school year is a great time to learn all about your students.
- School
- Family and Friends

September Preschool Themes
Here are some themes that preschoolers would enjoy during the month of September:
- Football
- Tailgate
- Fall
- Owls
- Grandparents: Grandparents Day is on the first Sunday after Labor Day in September.
- Apples: 5 Super Simple Apple Activities is a great place to start planning your preschool apple theme!
- Squirrels
- Fall Leaves and Trees
- Forest Animals

October Preschool Themes
Here are some themes that students would enjoy during the month of October:
- Pumpkins
- Halloween
- Fire Safety
- Monsters
- Corn
- Spiders

November Preschool Themes
Here are some themes that preschools would enjoy during the month of November:
- Thanksgiving: Check out this post, 10 Thanksgiving Preschool Activities for some fun ideas!
- Turkeys
- Veteran’s Day
- Nursery Rhymes (World Nursery Rhyme Week is this month!)

December Preschool Themes
Here are some themes that preschools would enjoy the month of December:
- Gingerbread Man: The Gingerbread Man is such a fun theme for the month of December and there are so many fun read-alouds to choose from. Check out this post, Gingerbread Man Activities for Preschool for tons of ideas!
- Christmas: My favorite preschool Christmas themed activities can be founding this post, Simple Preschool Christmas Activities
- Holidays Around the World

Printable Preschool Calendars
As I mentioned earlier, I think it’s a great idea to f you are looking to plan your school year, or share the themes you choose with your parents. Many teachers choose to simply send their parents a weekly email letting them know what students will be learning. Some teachers like to create a calendar for each month of the school year and share it with parents!
I hope this post gave you some preschool themes to use this school year!