This playdough recipe without cream of tartar is simple and can be made in just a few minutes! Read on to find out how!

Over the years as a teacher and mom, I have made homemade playdough countless times! It’s a great rainy day activity or if can be used for teaching academic concepts like shapes and letters! Playdough is a great sensory activity for toddlers, preschoolers, and even older kids and adults enjoy using it! This recipe is perfect if you don’t have any cream of tartar on hand!
What are the benefits of playing with playdough?
Playing with playdough offers many benefits for children. First of all, it strengthens hand muscles and develops fine motor skills. It is a great pre-requisite activity for writing. Playdough encourages children’s language and literacy, science, and math skills, while also enhancing creativity and imagination.
Like all play, playing with playdough can act as a safe outlet for emotions and help children express their ideas. It can also help ease tension, release excess energy, improve focus, and promote stress relief for children. Not to mention it can provide children with hours of fun and learning at home or in the classroom.
Other items such as playdough tools, cookie cutters, and mats can keep interest high and allow for ever more fun!

Should you use homemade playdough or store-bought?
There are benefits to both homemade and store-bought playdough! Most people purchase store-bought because it is easier and takes no work to make. However, it comes in smaller quantities and tends not to last as long, and dries out faster than homemade.
Making homemade playdough is a fun activity for families to do at home together and there are many benefits to doing activities like this with little ones. First, it involves children in the process and gives them real experience with measuring ingredients and cooking with an adult.
Also, it’s inexpensive to make, especially if you purchase ingredients in bulk and make it a couple of times a year or you are making multiple batches at a time. Homemade play dough also lasts a long time! I have had batches of homemade play dough that have lasted months! The playdough recipe can also be easily changed. For example, in the fall you can add pumpkin pie spice and orange food coloring.
This playdough recipe is perfect for making homemade playdough!
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Playdough Recipe Without Cream of Tartar
Here are the ingredients you need for this play dough recipe:
- 1 cup of flour
- 1/4 cup of salt
- 3/4 cup of water
- 3 tablespoons of lemon juice (can be fresh or bottled)
- 1 tablespoon of oil
- Food coloring or Koolaid packets (optional)
- Essential oils or other extracts (optional)
- An air-tight container or Ziploc bag for storage
Substitute for Cream of Tartar
Cream of tarter is traditionally included in homemade play dough recipes because it helps preserve the play dough. However, this isn’t always an ingredient that you have on hand in your home! In this recipe, lemon juice is used as the substitute for the cream of tartar.
Playdough Ingredients
Flour is one of the main ingredients in any play dough recipe. You can use any kind of flour you like, but I prefer regular all-purpose flour because it’s inexpensive and it’s usually what I have on hand. If you want your play dough to be gluten-free, make sure that your recipe doesn’t contain any wheat products.
If you do have a child or students with a gluten allergy, be sure to inquire if play dough irritates their skin or speak with a doctor about any concerns.
Salt is another important play dough ingredient. No special type of salt is needed; just simple table salt. This recipe only requires 1/4 of a cup so one canister of salt should be plenty!
You will need 3/4 cup of water for this recipe. This recipe works best when you cook the play-dough. However, you can make it a no-cook recipe by using hot water instead. Be very careful and children should never handle anything hot.
Canola oil or vegetable oil can be used for this homemade playdough recipe! I usually use whatever type of oil that I have on hand.
Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is used in this recipe as a substitute for cream of tartar. Either fresh juice or bottled can be used for this playdough recipe without cream of tartar.
If you do have the cream of tartar on hand and would prefer to use a recipe with it check out: Teacher’s Forever Favorite Homemade Playdough Recipe.
Optional Food Coloring, Liquid Scents, or Kool-Aid
This playdough recipe can be made so many different ways using liquid scents, kool-aid packets, or food coloring!
If you want your play dough to have a different color than just white, add food coloring! Gel food coloring works best to give the dough a bright and vibrant color. Just add a few drops until you get the shade that matches what you’re looking for. Kool-aid packets can also be added to give the dough different smells and colors!
There are many different scents you can add to your homemade scented playdough, including vanilla extract and almond extract (or both!). You can also try adding essential oils like lavender or lemon grass for a spa-like smell that kids will love! Start with just a few drops and you can always add more as needed!

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Cooking Supplies for Easy Playdough Recipe Without Cream of Tartar
Here are a few of the cooking supplies you will need to have ready for the playdough recipe without cream of tartar. Luckily, you probably already have all of these items in your kitchen!
Large Mixing Bowl
A large mixing bowl will be needed to mix together the flour and salt. I always prefer to use dishwasher-safe cooking supplies for easy clean up! If you choose a plastic, non-breakable mixing bowl this can be a great part for children to help with!
Measuring Cups and Spoons
You will need a few measuring cups and spoons to measure out the needed ingredients for this playdough recipe without cream of tartar. You will need measuring cups and spoons for both wet and dry ingredients.
Aluminum Foil, Parchment Paper, or Wax Paper
After you finish cooking the dough, you will put it on a piece of parchment paper or wax paper to continue to cool before kneading it. Aluminum foil can also be used too.
Wooden Paddle or Spoon
A wooden paddle or spoon works best for mixing the play dough over the stovetop as you cook it! A spatula can also be used.
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How to Make Playdough Without Cream of Tartar Instructions
Now that you have gathered all of your ingredients and supplies, you are ready to make the play dough recipe!
- Add the water, oil, and lemon juice to a non-stick medium-sized pan and begin cooking it on medium-low heat.
- Next, add any of the optional ingredients you are using including food coloring, kool-aid packet essential oils, or scents. These items can be a fun way to make the playdough recipe without cream of tartar fun for a themed lesson or activity.
- In a separate large bowl combine the flour and salt.
- When the water mixture is hot (not boiling) slowly pour in the dry ingredients; mixing as you pour.
- Continuously stir the mixture until a dough ball begins to form and the ingredients start to dry out. You will notice that the dough starts to seem less sticky and takes on more of a dough consistency.
- Next, move the dough onto a piece of wax paper and let it cool down. Then knead it for a few minutes.
- Finally, the play dough is ready to be played with and enjoyed!
Playdough Recipe Tips and Tricks
Non-stick Pan
To make cleanup as easy as possible, I recommend using a non-stick pan for cooking. Then, soak it in the sink for a few minutes before washing it.
Washable Surface
Be sure to play with your play dough on a washable surface that can easily be cleaned, especially if you are using food coloring in your recipe!
Also, teach children what areas of the home or classroom the playdough can be used in. I highly recommend using plastic placemats at a table to help with the mess and define boundaries for play.
Children can also help with the cleanup too! Wipes and a small hand-held broom and dustpan can be helpful items to have on hand near the area children will be working.
Store in Ziploc Bag to Keep Fresh
A simple Ziploc bag can store homemade playdough and keep it fresh! Store the sealed bag in a cool, dry place. Tupperware plastic containers with a lid can also be a great option.
If you are making play dough for a classroom of students, I recommend giving each child their own Ziploc bag to encourage responsibility and help with the spread of germs.
How to Make Playdough Soft
Play dough can dry out over time. You can usually make it soft again by adding a small squirt of water! Different recipes also call for different items that can make your own play dough even softer including baby oil, hair conditioner, and more!
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Playdough Without Cream of Tartar FAQ
Can You Make Playdough Without Cooking It?
You can make playdough without cooking it. However, its success will depend on the temperature of the water. You need the hot water to help everything mix together correctly.
If you would like to make this playdough recipe without cream of tarter “no cook” just mix the water and lemon juice together and heat it up in the microwave until just boiling. Be sure to use a microwave-safe container. Then continue to follow the recipe as written above.
As always, use your best judgment and caution with this recipe. Children should never handle hot water or play dough.

How Do I Fix Sticky Playdough?
Sticky dough can be caused by not having enough flour or salt in the play dough. It could also just be that the dough hasn’t had enough time to cool completely and get to the desired consistency.
If you have followed this recipe and the dough has cooled completely but it’s still sticky, try adding more flour to the dough a tablespoon or so at a time. Continue to knead the dough as you more in more flour until it reaches the desired consistency.
How Do I Fix Crumbly Playdough?
You can usually fix crumbly playdough by simply adding more water. Be sure to add water one tablespoon or so at a time and continue kneading until it reaches the correct consistency.
If it seems crumbly while cooking it, it may just be ready to be cooled on the wax paper and then kneaded together!
How to Play with Playdough
There are so many fun ways to play with play dough and it helps children build hand strength! Here are a few ideas to get you started!

- First, teach children how to roll balls and “snakes” with the dough. Once they are able to make these simple objects, they will be able to make lots of other creations!
- Add cookie cutters, rolling pins, or anything else you would use with the dough in the kitchen! You can also purchase special play dough tools just for use with dough!
- Add small items such as googly eyes, pipe cleaners, buttons, plastic animals, pony beads, or gems to encourage play.
- If you are a teacher, set up a play dough center in your classroom or even set aside time daily in your schedule for fine motor skill practice! Include play dough as an option for students!
- Use play dough mats for children to “trace” letters, shapes, or numbers with their dough! This is a great way to introduce academic concepts through play! You can find play dough mats for every month in this product, Monthly Toddler Activities.
- Holiday play dough mats, like this snowman mat; can also be fun for encouraging creativity and play! Related Post: The Best Winter Preschool Activities

Homemade Playdough Without Cream of Tartar – The Bottom Line
Playdough is a fun activity for kids of all ages. It’s easy to make and can be used in a variety of creative and educational ways. Homemade playdough can be easily made at home without cream of tartar and children will love using it for sensory play for many months to come!