Anyone who has ever had a baby can attest to the fact that the nurses are actually angels! What a job! I’ll never forget the sweet ladies in labor and delivery that helped bring EK into the world and got me through a really long and exhausting day. Then the nurses in postpartum who took care of us were amazing too! I am actually planning to request the same nurses for Baby #2! Before having EK I put together a nurse snack basket to take with us to the hospital. The nurses really appreciated it and took it to the nurse’s station to munch on! I wanted to share the nurse snack basket tag with you so you can use it too!
RELATED POST: Ten Things to Check Off Your List Before Baby Arrives

How to Make a Nurse Snack Basket
- First you will need a basket to put all of the snacks in! I just went to my local dollar store and found a cute one for $1! I recommend just putting together one large basket and the nurses will take it to the nurses station to enjoy!
- Fill the basket with snacks. Some ideas for the basket can be found below!
- Add a cute gift tag! There are a few free printable options for you to choose from below! I just tied the gift tag onto the snack basket using some tulle!

Ideas for the Nurse Snack Basket
- Peanut butter crackers
- Trail Mix
- Individual bags of chips or cookies
- Cheez-It’s
- Goldfish
- Granola Bars
- Candy
- Packs of gum
- Fruit snacks
- Rice Crispy Treats
- K-cups
- Hot chocolate
- Canned drinks
- Energy drinks
RELATED POST: Hospital Bag Must Have Items for Mom, Dad and Baby
Nurse Snack Basket Tag
Of course you will want a cute gift tag to go on your basket and let the nurses know who it’s from! You can print this cute nurse snack basket gift tag for free. Inside the download you will find gift tags for:
- Parents expecting a baby girl
- Parents expecting a baby boy
- Parents who don’t know the sex of their baby
- Parents who are expecting multiples

While you are feeling crafty, I highly recommend putting together this Milestone Tote for your baby! It’s a great place to store all of the sweet baby cards, special keepsakes and notes! This post will walk you through how to put one together!
Other Posts to Help Prepare for Baby:

Not your first baby?
If this isn’t your first baby, you will definitely want to spend some time preparing older children for the transition too! Put together a special big brother or sister book just for them! This post will walk you step by step through the process.

If you also have a toddler, you may be looking for some ideas to keep them busy while you are feeding and tending to the baby! Be sure to check out these monthly toddler activities just for them!