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Oh, the hospital bag! It’s probably a Type A teacher thing, but I was SO excited to pack the hospital bag! I have had it packed for at least a month…just in case! There are tons of lists and suggestions of what you should bring to the hospital. I wanted to keep it simple because the reality is we will be gone probably 1-3 nights and we really don’t need that much stuff! Plus, with family around anyone can bring us anything and let’s not forget that the hospital has the necessities! I have updated this list since having EK, so it’s the real deal!

To start with, I packed one big bag with things for my husband and I and one bag for the baby!

I used these clear bags for packing each of our items! They were just the bags that baby’s bedding came in, but they were super handy for packing and you can see through them! Clear packing cubes are also a great option and you can use them forever!

What is in the hospital bag for us?
- A Gallon Sized Ziploc Bag with Toiletries: I just grabbed travel sized items that we would need like toothpaste, face wash, deodorant, etc. Don’t forget these or these!
- Snacks: We just grabbed some of our favorites
- Phone Chargers: I also got super long cords since I have no idea how far the plug will be from my bed!
- A Diffuser and Essential Oil: This is totally not a necessity, but since we already had it I decided to go ahead and bring it with us!
- Bluetooth Speaker: I have been perfecting my labor playlist for weeks! I have to have music! This is the speaker we have. It’s super portable and the charge lasts a looooong time!
After Birth Note: I did not use the diffuser or oil. Just one more thing to mess with! I couldn’t have made it without my speaker. That bad boy got me through labor.
What is in the hospital bag for Dad?
- A hoodie: While I am not expecting to have a C section, it’s always a possibility. The OR rooms are kept super cold, so better safe that sorry! You never know what the temperature of any hospital room might me!
- A button down shirt for skin to skin
- A change of clothes or two
- Comfy clothes for sleeping
- Wireless Headphones and iPad: This might end up being for me too!
After Birth Note: We didn’t use the headphones or iPad! Any “down time” should be spent sleeping!
What is in the hosital bag for Mom?
- A nursing robe: I bought a Mommy Robe from Posh Peanut that will match baby’s swaddle! It is super soft and stretchy!
- A nursing bra: I bought this set of three. I liked the V neck cut, it felt less uni-boobie than most nursing bras. After birth note: I hated these bras with a passion. They were fine for sleeping and around the house, but awful to wear under real clothes!
- Nursing Pads: No explanation needed here. Some hospitals may have these, but they were specifically mentioned in the child birth class we took at the hospital as a must bring item so I am bringing them! I ordered a box, but just grabbed a few to bring!
- A Button Up Sleep Shirt: It may be easier to just wear the hospital gown, but I am bringing a comfy sleep shirt just in case I want it! The one I got is from Target, but no longer available.
- Socks with Grips: One of my sisters gave me a Bump Box that came with a super cute pair to wear!
- Going Home Clothes: I packed some joggers and a maternity shirt to wear home! I should probably throw in a ball cap too!
- Other toiletries just for me: Chapstick, lotion, hairbrush…
- Breastfeeding Pillow: So I actually have two! This one and this one! I am going to bring the My Breast Friend pillow into the hospital and leave the Boppy in the car!
After Birth Note: I was SO glad I had my own face wash and chapstick and those types of things. The hospital gave me a huge plastic cup for water after giving birth which was awesome and kept it cold!

What is in the hospital bag for baby?
- Mitten, Socks and Hats: All of these things are SO teeny, tiny that I stored them in small bags mesh bags. I actually bought this set of bags to wash her socks and mittens in so they don’t get lost in the washer. It has worked SO well! I use them all the time now!
- Baby Nail File: One of my besties is a Mother and Baby Nurse and she said this is one of the most asked for items that they don’t have! I’m obsessed with everything this brand makes, so I know I will love this nail set too.
- Swaddles: I brought the swaddle that matched my robe!
- Clothes: I brought Newborn and 0-3 month sized clothes! It’s hard to know what will fit.
- Headband Bows: I got this set and this set. They are perfect newborn head size! You can’t beat the price either! Now that I look at the picture, I am apparently bringing five bows to the hospital. I have waited a long time for a little bow head!
- Car Seat Cover/ Nursing Cover: I love the ones from Cooper Pearl!
- Baby Book: I LOVE our baby book! Take it to do footprints!
- First Photo Props: There are so many cute ideas out there for baby’s first picture! I am using a little “Hello! My Name Is:” tag!
After Birth Notes: It’s a pain to put your baby in a lot of clothes. They won’t enjoy being changed and you are so sore that you won’t enjoy it either. EK just stayed wrapped in a blanket the whole time with a hat on. She was a big baby and the newborn clothes fit just fine! She just wore one outfit when we left the hospital.
Here are a few other items that are in the “take to the hospital” pile:

- A Wreath for the Hospital Door: I received this adorable wreath as a gift at one of my showers and I absolutely LOVE it. It has a place for me to write all of baby’s stats too! I packed these to write with! It will hang on her nursery door once we get home!
- Infant Car Seat: Duh! After a long search, we finally settled on this one. We already have the protector and base in the car! After birth note: I can’t say enough good things about this car seat! I have zero complaints! We used it until EK was almost a year old before switching to this one.
- A Snack Basket for the Nurses: I bought the bucket at Dollar Tree and just filled it with snacks!

Have fun packing your hospital bag for this special occasion!