If you haven’t ever used Donors Choose, you must be crazy! : ) This website has provided me with so many wonderful teaching materials that have truly enhanced my classroom. It felt like Christmas each time my new teaching materials would arrive!
Earlier this school year, I gave a presentation to my staff about getting started on Donors Choose, and now I am sharing it with you!
To read more about my Classroom Handbook, click HERE.
If you have any additional questions, please email me or leave a comment below! : ) Good luck!
I use donors choose too! And I saw you were from TX. I am from Midland.
I teach at Greathouse. Such a small world! I'm new to blogging. I love following you. You have great ideas!!!
Sarah, I have a question. So when you move schools, do the materials you receive belong to you or to the school? Thank you! Traci
According to Donors Choose, if you move to another public school, the materials can move with you. I have never had any problems and my principals have always been very kind and supportive of the hard work put into getting the materials. Here is the page that goes over the policy: http://help.donorschoose.org/hc/en-us/articles/203139017
Hope this helps! : )