1. Get rid of the junk mail!I get so many random emails that I never signed up for, and they add up in my inbox quickly. Spend some time clicking the Unsubscribe button at the end of each email so they won’t haunt you for another year.
2. Go through and delete any unneeded or unread messages! Won’t it feel good to see that clean inbox with ZERO unread messages?
3. Create a new email signature. Spend some time looking for a favorite quote to add to your signature, or link your class website or Facebook page. This will be at the end of every email you send this year, so let it work for you and save you time. Check out this great tutorial from Rebecca Coleman to get you started, or check out these free social media buttons that can be added to your signature.
4. Create folders to get you organized! Create a Parent Communication folder to drag in important emails from parents, or an Action Needed folder for emails that require a response or something that needs to be done. Create a system that works for you!
I love the idea of this series. The beginning of school is so overwhelming. This will be great! Thanks!
Yay! I worked through my e-mail folders the other day!
See you are already ahead of the game! : )
I'm excited for this journey! Love it!