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This post is jam-packed with my favorite at-home activities for kids! With summer just around the corner, many of us will be spending a lot more time at home with our children. Here are tons of ideas to keep your kids busy and make this time together enjoyable!

This activity li If you have younger children, be sure to check out these posts: 50 Simple Activities for One Year Olds and
Outside Activities for Kids
Being outdoors is so good for kids and adults. Fresh air does everyone some good! Here are a few outside activities kids will enjoy:
- Go for a walk.
- Check out a new park in your area!
- Start a collection. Rocks? Bugs? Sticks?
- Make mud pies.
- Pack a picnic lunch.
- Draw on the sidewalk with chalk or try sidewalk paint! You can take sidewalk calk to the next level by dipping it in water first to create sidewalk paint. Children will love the different experiences and fun colors it creates!
- Play with water. Empty out a bin and fill it with water. Add some water-safe toys you already have or even measuring cups from the kitchen! Put a beach towel under the bucket for each clean-up.
Check out an educational learning app.
Download the HOMER Learning App: I can’t say enough good things about this educational app for kids! My little one loves it…and so do I! You can try it for FREE with your child or children for the next 45 days! Click HERE to set up your child’s profile in just a few minutes. Then, download the app and start playing!

Make a craft.
Most kids love creating crafts! Here a few of my favorite craft materials to have on hand
- Crayons, Markers and colored pencils
- Watercolor paints
- Pipe cleaners
- Do-a-dot markers
- Construction paper
- Fun scissors
- Butcher paper

Write a story.
Writing stories was a favorite activity with both my kindergarteners and first grade students! This is a great way to keep academic skills short.
Have some stickers laying around? Make a sticker story! Kids can create a picture with a sticker and then they can write a story to match. I recommend setting a maximum number of stickers they can use (maybe 3-5) so they don’t become overwhelmed.
Have little ones who aren’t writing yet? Have them TELL you the story! This is such amazing language practice for them and can help get those creative juices flowing. They can also use crayons to add more details to their story setting.

I have an entire post about sticker activities!
Look around the house.
Some of the best items for play are probably already around the house! See what you have around that can be repurposed.

Build something.
Littles love building. Give them a challenge! Build the tallest tower you can. Build a tower that can hold an apple on top. Build a chair for a stuffed animal. Here are a few favorite building materials:
- Wooden blocks
- Magnetic tiles
- Legos (or these for younger kids)
- Lincoln Logs
- Tinker Toys
- Different types of blocks (these are fun!)
- Straws
- Pipe cleaners
Cook something.
Little ones love helping in the kitchen. Make some play dough that can double as a fun activity. This hot chocolate play dough is a lot of fun!

Work a puzzle.
Puzzles can be a great family project! You can even create your own puzzle by cutting apart pictures! This printable number puzzle is also fun for younger elementary kids!
Use your imagination.
Need some inspiration for pretend play? Here are a few ideas:
- Turn your kitchen into a restaurant. Let your little ones make the menu and set the table!
- Set up a pretend grocery store using the boxes in your pantry.
- Make a tent in the living room and go camping in the living room.
- Open a hair salon and try out some new hairstyles. A spray water bottle makes this extra fun!
- Have a pretend movie theatre in the den. Don’t forget the popcorn!
- Make art work and crafts for a pretend museum.
Dress up.
I saw a post on IG this week that really stuck with me from Momosa Podcast! The girls was talking about how her girls hadn’t been as interested in dressing up lately. She simply bought these to hang up the dress and BAM, they could see everything and wanted to play again! No dress up clothes? Let little ones use your clothes!
I would love to hear from you! Send me a DM on Instagram and let me know what other ideas you have for at home activities for kids!