Addition color-by-number worksheets are a fun way for students to practice addition facts! These worksheets will get kindergarten students excited about solving math problems and finding the correct answer!
Read on to learn more about these fun math worksheets and start using them with your students today!

What is a color-by-number worksheet?
Color by number (also called color by code worksheets) is a coloring page that uses a specific code to tell students how to color each part of the picture. Usually, at the top of the worksheet, there will be a color key that tells students what color to color each section. After students solve the addition fact and find the correct answer, they will use the key to figure out what color to color that section of the picture.
Different numbers will be different colors to complete a fun picture! Color by number worksheets are perfect for young children and a great way to practice many different math skills in a fun and interactive way! Older kids also love color by code worksheets too!
When can children complete color by number worksheets?
Children as young as 4 may be able to enjoy and complete simple color-by-number pages. Younger children may need some support understanding the directions of the worksheet, identifying numbers, and reading the color key.
The number addition worksheets in this post are perfect to use with kindergarten students and support the math skills that children this age are learning such as number sense, addition and subtraction. First graders and even second graders can use these worksheets for addition practice too!
Utilizing Color By Number Worksheets in the Classroom
Teachers can incorporate these worksheets into their lesson plans to promote learning and help their students practice solving basic addition problems. Additionally, color-by-number worksheets can serve as a valuable tool for extra practice and even assessment! Here are a few ideas for how to use these number math worksheets in the classroom:
Morning Work
Do you like to have a morning work activity waiting for your students when they arrive each morning? These printable worksheets are perfect for morning work because the directions are simple. Just be sure that students have access to crayons, colored pencils or markers. These worksheets are perfect for students who need a little extra practice with addition too!
Math Centers
These color-by-code worksheets can also be printed and used in a math center. Each of the worksheets shown also includes an answer key so that can also be printed for students to check their answers!
Independent Work
These addition color by number worksheets are the perfect activity for students to complete independently at their desks. Students will be practicing basic addition skills with these number printables.
Early Finishers
Depending on your classroom routines, you may have worksheets available for students who finish their work early. These color-by-number worksheets are a perfect early finisher activity.
Addition Color-By-Number Worksheets
Students will love completing these fun color-by-number themed worksheets. As students complete these worksheets they will be learning basic addition facts and improving their fine motor skills too! Click on any picture to check out all of the color by by number sheets avaliable for kindergarten students!
Winter Color By Number Addition
Need a quick and fun winter color-by-code worksheet to review addition and subtraction to 10? Students will love solving each addition and subtraction and coloring the cute snow and winter-themed pictures according to the code!

Six different worksheets are included in this resource, Color by Code Winter Addition and Subtraction to 10.
Valentine’s Day Addition and Subtraction Worksheets
Six different printable color-by-code worksheets are included in this resource plus an answer key for each. 2 worksheets are focused on addition to 10, 2 worksheets are focused on subtraction to 10, and 2 include both addition and subtraction problems. All of the pictures that students color are Valentine’s Day themed! These worksheets include addition and subtracton fasts so students will be practicing addition and subtraction skill too!
St. Patrick’s Day Addition Color By Number
Six different printable color-by-code worksheets are included in this resource plus an answer key for each. 2 worksheets are focused on addition to 10, 2 worksheets are focused on subtraction to 10, and 2 include both addition and subtraction problems. All of the pictures are St. Patrick’s Day-themed!

Also, if your students need more practice with addition to 10, be sure to check out this St. Patrick’s Day Addition to 10 Pocket Chart Activity.
Easter Addition and Subtraction Color By Number
You’ll love these simple worksheets for reviewing additional and subtraction facts for Easter. They require no preparation and can be printed and used immediately. These are also perfect for morning work, seat work, early finishers, or even sent home for extra practice!

Click any picture to check out these Easter Addition and Subtraction Color By Number worksheets. Kindergarten and first graders will enjoy these worksheets this spring!
Kindergarten Color By Code Worksheets
Addition skills aren’t the only thing that color-by-number worksheets can be used to practice! Many other math skills can be practiced using this type of math color worksheet. I have put together a complete bundle of all of my color-by-number worksheets just for kindergarten students! These worksheets cover lots of math skills and themes perfect for kindergarten students! They are all perfect for independent practice at school or even at home.
Math Skills
Here are a few of the math skills that are included in this Kindergarten Color by Code Worksheet Bundle:
- Number sense
- Number words
- Number recognition
- Ten frames
- Teen numbers
- 2-D Shapes
- Basic operations
- Addition to 10
- Subtraction to 10
- Addition and subtraction to 10
This Kindergarten Color by Code Worksheet Bundle was put together for kindergarten students and includes tons of fun math practice! It includes over 50 worksheets to last you the entire school year! These worksheets will make learning fun for young kids!
Themes Included
Here are a few of the fun themes that are included in this Kindergarten Color by Code Worksheet Bundle:
- Back to School
- Fall
- Gingerbread
- Holidays
- Winter
- Valentine’s Day
- St. Patrick’s Day
- Spring
- Easter
- Summer
Back to School Color By Number
These worksheets are the perfect introduction to color-by-number worksheets. They only include numbers 0 to 10 and help young learners recognize these numbers and understand the directions.

Spring Color By Code Teen Numbers
Do your students need practice with recognizing teen numbers? These Color By Code Spring Teen Numbers Worksheets can help. Students will simply practice identifying teen numbers and coloring the page according to the color key.

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12 Counting Activities to Teach Numbers 1-10
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Addition Color By Number Worksheets
I hope you can use these addition color by number worksheets with your students to help them learn math and practice basic addition facts!