My new course: Ready, Set, Kindergarten is now open! I use to think everyone understood what happened in a Kindergarten classroom. I would excitedly tell people that I taught Kindergarten and instantly hear comments like this:
“It must be so much fun to just play with the kids all day.”
“You’re so lucky you don’t have to write lesson plans!”
“It’s so nice that they have nap time.”
Kindergarten has changed so much since you and I went to Kindergarten! I’ve never seen naps in Kindergarten, unfortunately there isn’t enough play time and trust me…there are TONS of lessons to plan! I don’t think everyone understands the huge and amazing things happening in Kindergarten classrooms across the country! These sweet babies are learning to read, write, count, solve problems, work together, be kind and so much more! It’s truly the best school year!
Actually, I am so passionate about making Kindergarten the best school year for your child, that I put together an entire course called Ready, Set, Kindergarten. I know so many parents want to help prepare their child for Kindergarten, but struggle with where to start. There just aren’t enough hours in the day to:
- Research what skills your child needs
- Learn about those skills
- Find appropriate learning activities
- Prepare the learning activities that you find
- Then actually do them with your child
That’s why I created this course! I wanted to put everything busy parents needed into one easy place! Ready, Set, Kindergarten will save you SO much time and get you straight to the important part: having fun and learning with your child!
What’s Included:
Here is a quick overview of what is included inside Ready, Set, Kindergarten!

That’s right! There are over 75 included activities that focus on six developmental areas! These activities don’t require colored ink and can easily be completed at home! Here are just a few of the included activities…

These shape crafts are adorable and will help your child identify 2-D shapes.

Games are a powerful teaching tool! They allow little ones to practice social emotional skills like sharing and taking turns, plus they often work on academic skills like counting and subitizing! This Dice Roll Graphing game is one of the many games you will find inside the course!

Uppercase and lowercase letter clothespin matching is a great activity for fine motor skill practice and letter recognition!

The course also has a bonus section with printable resources that can be used to challenge your child like addition and subtraction activities and sight words!
I can’t wait to see you inside the course! Click HERE to join the learning!