Hi y’all! My name is Sarah and my whole life I have pretty much dreamed of being two things: a teacher and a mom. In elementary school, I would ask my teachers for extra copies of worksheets so I could take them home to teach my siblings. My grandmother (an educator herself) gave me a “real” gradebook when I was five and that pretty much sealed the deal of becoming a teacher.
I studied Early Childhood Education at Texas Tech University and landed my dream job teaching Kindergarten at the same elementary school I attended growing up. I will never forget my first day of school as a teacher. It suddenly hit me when I looked into the eyes of each precious child in my class that I had the most important job in the world: loving and teaching them.
That year I learned so many things. I can remember one particular parent conference I had with a student’s mother. That child had struggled most of the school year and his mother didn’t seem to care; or that is what I had decided. During the conference, though, I looked at her sitting in a teeny-tiny kid chair at my kidney-shaped table and something suddenly dawned on me. It wasn’t that she didn’t care; she truly did not know how to help her child. Parents don’t usually speak our teacher language. They don’t always know what reading level their child should be on, the difference between short and long vowel sounds, or what CVC words are. From that moment on, I knew that I wanted to do more than just teach children. I wanted to teach families too.
I spent seven years in the classroom teaching Kindergarten and First Grade before deciding to stay home with my own baby girl and focus on helping teachers and parents full-time. It’s so special being able to live out both of my dreams.
I started this blog back in 2011 under the name “Yeehaw! Teaching in Texas” as a way to share what was happening in my classroom and learning ideas with other teachers. I am truly grateful that so many of you have stuck with me since then. In 2020, however, I made the decision to change the name of this site and just be myself, Sarah Chesworth. It is my prayer that anyone (teachers, parents, child care workers, grandmas, uncles, babysitters…) who loves little ones will find inspiration and ideas here, not just teachers.
Outside of teaching, I also love reading (usually about child development because I’m a #nerd), crafting, volunteering, trips to Target and going all-out for the holidays. I am married to my high school sweetheart and we have one daughter, EK. They both frequent my IG photos! Nothing means more to me than hearing from you so please feel free to email me at hello@sarahchesworth.com about anything.